Specializing in web development
which means however you look at it ... you’ll always look your best
Featured samples from our web development portfolio
You don’t need to see sample after sample to know we provide quality web development. We have tried to simplify our website portfolio. Having been established since 1980, we literally have hundreds of sample websites to show potential clients. (Although in about 40 years some of these clients have since stopped trading, sadly).
The reason for not having a load of samples is simple. Because we all know what it’s like when you go to a paint store to choose a new color for a room in your home, you just can’t believe there are so many options! So if you want more, just ask, we’re happy to show you more.
Our marketing knowledge & your business, together we can work as a winning team.
So let's work on your next project
Serva has a large range of diverse web development clients
So with that in mind, here is a small selection from our website portfolio. Obviously, with the growth of mobile dominance, all our websites are mobile compatible. Oh and don't forget we can also help with all your marketing, including SEO so that your new website is found on Google.
From these few samples, you can see we can create a website for your requirements. Serva is unique in our services and work procedures. For example, unfortunately, many website companies build websites with a template and stick your logo here and text there. This, therefore, means that all their sites start to look the same. Yes, there can be similarities as there are some limits and options. But honestly, do you want your site to look just like your competition! No one likes a cookie-cutter design.
By the way, if you like what you see here, please like us on Facebook and help spread the word, thanks.